Digital Age Statistics

Numbers are frank. Statistics give you a clearer view of the world we live in and can show you realities you have no idea about.

We’ve compiled the most important everyday life statistics in one place where you can get informed on all smartphone usage-related, online behavior, and relationship matters.

Why should you care, you may ask?

Well, even if you’re not using your phone as much (though most of us do; at least a couple of hours a day), chances are that someone you love uses their mobile devices often, and knowing some important facts could mean that you might make their life better.

Nowadays, phones almost dictate our lives. Everything is stored in our pockets, including banking info, passwords, important documents, conversations. It’s no wonder, and we’re not denying that it’s convenient, but it’s crucial to be aware of some facts and statistics to know how to optimize your and your beloved ones’ mobile usage.

We will tackle all the aspects of our lives that are influenced by technology from a statistics perspective, including:

  • Addictions

How many times a day do you check out your phone? Chances are, it’s a couple of times per hour. Even if you’re not, someone you know might be addicted to smartphone usage.

No type of addiction – even this one that may appear benevolent – is good, so knowing when to say enough is very critical for every one of us.

  • Marriage and relationship statistics

Unfortunately, smartphones have opened up more opportunities for cheating, whether it’s via SMS, sexting, pictures, or popular instant messaging apps like Snapchat and Instagram.

In any case, understanding the statistics and aspects of romantic relationships and smartphone usage will help you understand whether your partner has been truthful to you.

  • Children protection

There’s no point avoiding the elephant in the room – children start using their phones too early nowadays.

And even worse, predators and cyberbullying are on the rise. Stay on top of the ways how to keep your children safe by getting informed about the major threats and ways to protect them, according to statistics.

  • Social media

Social media platforms are blooming, and we all expose our daily lives by posting on them and even interacting with other users.

Statistics will help you understand what can happen if you spend too much time on social networks, as well as what influence they have on us and our health.

  • Cyberbullying

Unfortunately, phone apps are a direct way to cyberbullying, mostly on social networks, but also over texts and calls.

One thing’s for sure: the smartphone trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. So, it’s wise to do your research like you’re doing it right now.

We want to share with you the most important phone and daily life statistics – and you’d better be prepared for a bumpy ride!

Check the articles below and stay updated on smartphone addiction statistics, cyberbullying frequency, internet dependence facts, and more.

Smartphone addiction statistics of adults and teenagers

Is smartphone use turning to addiction? This article reveals shocking stats about screen time, mobile dependence, and texting obsession for teens and adults. Find out what are the signs of digital addiction and how you can deal with it in a healthy way.

15 Cyberbullying Statistics to Know to Keep Your Family Safe

Cyberbullying rate has reached a peak once the pandemic started, and its effects are devastating on teens and their families. This article covers updated statistics on cyberbullying and social media abuse. Read further to make sure you keep your family safe from online predators.

Infidelity Statistics: Who Cheats More, Men or Women?

Check the shocking cheating statistics and facts to find out who is more unfair in relationships: men or women. Learn interesting information about infidelity in marriages, as well as why people usually start an affair. Take the steps to prevent cheating in your couple.

Is Your Teenager Addicted to the Internet?

This article discusses internet addiction’s dangers, particularly in children and teenagers. It covers general internet statistics, signs of addiction, and treatment. If you believe your teenager is addicted to the internet, read more to find out how you can help them.